Matthew Closson wrote:
On Tue, 25 Jul 2006, Heinrich Rebehn wrote:

Matthew Closson wrote:
On Mon, 24 Jul 2006, Heinrich Rebehn wrote:

Hi list,

I am running into a strange problem with IPSec, MTU? fragmentation? which i am unable to resolve.

My Setup:

@home i have one PC which connects to our institute network with IPSec. The PC connects to the internet via a DSL modem using Linux/PPPoE or Windows XP/SP2. This has been running fine for years now.

Last week i bought a Netgear WTG624V3 WLAN router in order to allow our notebook to connect to the internet too.

This router is now connected between the PC and the DSL modem and does the job of bringing up the internet connection with PPPoE.

IPSec from my PC still works, but the symptoms are as follows:

- The tunnel is brought up and i can use it to ssh to our institute's firewall/ipsec gateway. On the gateway (OpenBSD 3.8), i can work in the shell as long as i want, but as soon as i do a "ls -lR /" or something else that produces large output, the connection is stalled. However,the tunnel is still usable, i can do a 2nd ssh and continue working.
This leads me to the conclusion that it cannot be a rekeying issue.
Under the second login, i can see both connections:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~]# netstat -anptcp | grep
tcp 0 48 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 16304 ESTABLISHED

All MTUs (PC, WLAN router, firewall) are set to 1500.

I played with max-mss in pf.conf, as was suggested on the misc@ ML:

    scrub in on enc0 all max-mss 1318

but it did not help.

Parallel to the "ls -lR /" mentioned above, i did a tcpdump on the firewall's external if, which can be found at:

The dump shows that fragmentation does occur.

The same symptom can also be observed when connecting to our www server behind the firewall, very small pages are displayed, bigger ones get stalled.

Can anyone help me on this? I am not familiar with the internals of TCP/IP, especially MTUs and fragmentation.

If you need isakmpd.conf, pf.conf or anything else, please let me know.

Thanks for any help,

    Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341

Thanks to all who replied, but i am still having the problem. While i will be looking at the MTU's on the path, can someone help me understand what what's up in the above mentioned dump at ? > icmp: protocol 4 unreachable

What "does protocol 4 unreachable" mean? According to /etc/protocols, 4 is "IP encapsulated in IP (officially ``IP'')" ???

As one can see at the end of the dump, fragmentation does occur. Is this absolutely lethal for IPSec?


I believe what you are seeing is Path MTU discovery failing. When the IPSEC router sees a packet which is too large for it to route it is sending back an ICMP Unreachable packet (because it is too large) but, if some intermediary device on the way back is over-zealously filtering ICMP this ICMP unreachable packet will never get back to the sender, instead it will timeout and keep sending packets which are too large and thus you will never be able to view the webpage or other resource.

A good test would be if you had root access on one of the remote locations which is giving you a problem, you could run tcpdump and see if those ICMP packets are reaching that location or not.

If there is some router in the middle filtering this type of ICMP and the administrator is unwilling to change it then that is going to pose a real problem to your connectivity to those sites.

Maybe someone else who has expertise with this issue can confirm that is what might be going on.

Good luck!


You are right, Matt. While i was doing experiments with pings of various sizes, i saw that pings were echoed by the gateway, but blocked by my netgear WLAN router for no apparent reason. I then decided to try a newer firmware version of the router and voila: the pings got through and all the ipsec problems had gone! :-)

From the change log of the firmware:

> Improves LAN to WAN throughput. (That is, throughput from your network > to the Internet.)

Obviously they fixed Path MTU discovery.

I still need to find the optimal max-mss to avoid fragmentation, but even with fragmentation, IPSec works! :-)

Thanks for all your help!


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