On 28 jul 2006, at 14.09, jeraklo wrote:

So, you are saying that pf(4), ipsec(4), ipsecctl(8),
and maybe vpn(8) is all I need ?  Do I have to make

That's a good start, yes. Plus it should be fairly easy to find configuration examples for setups like this.

some special tweakings on the windows client machines
in order to run the VPN, or is ti just a matter of
some default configuration ?

There is an IPsec implementation in Windows, but configuring it is something else again. It's been a few years since I experimented with it last, but it was "no fun" then, at all. If you search for it, you'll probably find some references on how to set it up on the net. I figure most people using IPSec on Windows end up using some kind of IPSec client software...


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