On Monday, August 7, 2006, at 12:40:40, misc@openbsd.org wrote:

> On 2006/08/07 11:46, Philip Olsson wrote:
>> Im woundering if there exists a looking glass suitable for public access
>> over http that uses the new read only socket in openbgpd ?

> http://null-ptr.net/sw/lg/ works -
> besides the mentioned files you will need:

> bgpd_flags="-r /var/www/var/run/bgpd.sock"
> everything listed in `ldd /usr/sbin/bgpctl' output (ld.so, lib's)

> you probably have /var set as nosuid, this means you can't
> use ping/traceroute in the jail unless you're willing to relax
> that (and you can't use sudo to run them since that too is
> setuid).

> Might be worth also pointing out some SSH modification here,
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2006-04/1811.html
> which (I haven't tested, but..) should let you separate webserver
> from routers and just forward the RO control socket on, which
> makes a certain amount of sense to me, especially on a public
> access setup.

We have written our own, which also uses id_rsa keys and users on
other route-servers. We had to give up with jailing apache cause too
much problems happened and now we have the following:

http://www.pl-ix.pl/tools.asp  (.asp is fake of course, our programmer
loves such playing, it's normal PHP file)

If anyone want I can send sources or publish it somewhere ;-)

Sylwester S. Biernacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-NET, http://www.xnet.com.pl/

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