Hey all,

I've been experimenting with systrace and several programs on OpenBSD
3.9-stable. I'm pleased with what the tool lets me do, and with its
output, but can't find a way to get it to log to a different file for
each systrace'd service.

For example, I prepend the following to my otherwise-default syslog.conf

*.*                     /var/log/systrace/systrace

Then I run thttpd and named under systrace. Both will log to
/var/log/systrace/systrace, but is there a way to get them to each log
to their own file, such as /var/log/systrace/thttpd and

If I understand correctly, even though thttpd and named might log under
different facilities, there's no option in systrace to specify a
facility name. Without this I think my answer is no, but was hoping some
ingenious hacker might have a solution.


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