Tito Mari Francis Escaqo wrote:
Is it possible to replace root with another username as superuser?
This could make the system very secure because when it comes to
                             ^^^^^^^^^^^ No.
                                  ^^^^^^ No.
BSD/Unix/Linux, the root is the most coveted user account. That is,
hackers would all be barking the wrong tree if the real superuser is
actually another username.

Most exploits come from misbehaving programs running as the superuser (formerly known as "root" :-p ), so the user name is not involved.

Use a good password (if any) for root and possibly disable root login via ssh, and you're fine.

I installed and use OpenBSD 3.9 as Internet gateway in our company,
installed it via floppy disk.

If it's possible, can you pls give me pointers how to do it? Thank you
very much!

It is. See below. But don't. You'll screw things up. See below.


Now look what you made me do!

$ sudo chpass root
  <changing name to root1>
$ sudo chpass root1
sudo: no passwd entry for root!
$ sudo <anything>
sudo: no passwd entry for root!
$ su -
su: unknown login root
$ su root1 -
# chpass root
chpass: unknown user: root
# chpass root1
  <changing name back to root>
# exit
$ sudo chpass root
chpass: no changes made
chpass: /etc/master.passwd: unchanged

See? Don't do this! :-(

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