Dear Users.

I exportet the following directory over NFS to a debian-linux-machine.

/mnt/netspace/net -alldirs -network 192.168.1 -mask=

my /etc/fstab looks as follow:
/dev/wd1i /mnt/netspace ext2fs rw 0 0

If I write on OBSD as user in this directory, all went fine. But if I
mount this on the linux-box, first, no errors are there. Then I "cd"
into the mounted directory and make "ls". Then, the following error rise
up: ls: read directory .: Input-/Output-Error

but "df" show the right size on the linux-box of the filesystem of the

Strange is also, if I export my home-dir, then I can read and write to
it. (but the file and dir-rights are the same as my $HOME)

Could this be something with the mounted ext2fs? Any idea or tips?

Thanks a lot for all help.

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