On 8/10/06, Will H. Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Because I require TLS and SMTP-AUTH for relaying purposes, I'm in a
bind. My real problem is getting Exchange to do SMTP-TLS on a different
port, so this is really a non-openbsd issue.

Perhaps you'd benefit from a solution of shielding your Exchange with
a more benign MTA (e.g. Postfix, sendmail) and add spamd into the mix
if you desire.

For relaying, all you need is a way to validate the usernames. Using
the Exchange's LDAP repository as a lookup table for Postfix or
exporting valid users and their passwords to a Postfix lookup table
(file), you could get around your Exchange configuration issue.

In the "smtp-proxy" [1] thread earlier this week, at least two people
pointed to the Book of Postfix that contains an example (yes, this is
somehwat of a dij`-vu).



1. MARC openbsd-misc archive: "Re: smtp proxy"

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.

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