On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 01:19:31PM -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
> I think you're looking for ifconfig(8). Wait, doesn't linux have
> ifconfig? What's ip for?

ip is from the iproute2 package.  From the lartc.org manual, ``Why 

    Most Linux distributions, and most UNIX's, currently use the 
    venerable arp, ifconfig and route commands. While these tools work, 
    they show some unexpected behaviour under Linux 2.2 and up. For 
    example, GRE tunnels are an integral part of routing these days, but 
    require completely different tools.

    With iproute2, tunnels are an integral part of the tool set.

[1] http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.iproute2.html

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