At 16:09 25.08.2006, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2006/08/25 15:14, Kyrre Nygerd wrote:
> Does anybody run a webhosting business, where they've written
> a simple Bash script to add new users and set up their domains in BIND,
> virtual hosts in Apache, MySQL databases and so on all in one go?
> I truly wish to keep it real and avoid solutions like cPanel or Webmin.

I'd like to cast a recommendation for doing this in some language
other than Bourne-shell.

From the question I guess you might not know another language -
if so, this is a great task to serve as a learning exercise, and if
you have something you want to code, it's surprisingly quick to
pick up enough to get started.

Of course it can be done in sh, but having seen the result of this
type of system developed by multiple people over a period of time
in an ISP environment, it can soon become ugly and hard-to-maintain.
One particular problem with sh is that database-integration will
be ugly enough that you likely won't want to do it, which would be
a shame for a provisioning system as it avoids all manner of hacks
to get the information transferred from billing/ordering systems.

I'll deliberately avoid suggesting a particular language since
I don't fancy ignoring another thread on that - don't spend too
much time on the choice: pick one (maybe look at the code format
of other programs written in it and see if you can understand
it quickly), and get stuck into writing the code.

Thank you man, this is surely some good info.

But Bash is my only option, unless I score an example from the
Ruby mailing list. I know this is an excellent opportunity to start learning
something new. I just bought Programming Ruby, 2nd edition :)
And I now have an aim for what I want to do with the language which
should make it easier to put my heart into it.

Feel free to show me examples if you have any though.

Take care man,

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