Sam Chill wrote:
ksh does most everything bash does too, so it doesn't seem like a loss.

FWIW, I miss a couple of features in ksh and consider to switch (back) to bash:

- When using tab completion, and you press tab two times to get a list of possibilities, ksh doesn't use less/more to present the possibilities (i.e. they just scroll by and I have to use shift+page-up).

- When writing long commands, bash uses multiple lines to let me see the whole command, whereas ksh "scrolls" the line horizontally, only showing me a part of the command at a time. This is of course a matter of taste, but I like the method of bash.

- In ksh, history is not automatically set up (but this is not a missing feature, since you can set it up yourself).

I'm very eager to hear from anyone, who got workarounds/solutions to the above... but please, don't let my post disturb the main topic of the thread.


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