On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 09:51:00PM +0400, Bruno Carnazzi wrote:
> 2006/8/27, Josh Grosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >Has anyone using Root on RAID managed to point their dumpdev at a swap 
> >space,
> >either within a RAID array or on a standard swap partition?
> This is a powerfull hack that helped me to mount my root RAID'ed :
> http://www.eclectica.ca/howto/openbsd-software-raid-howto.php

Thank you, Bruno, for pointing out that HowTo.  I'm sure it was helpful
for you.  But it does not address my dumpdev question at all, and I found
what I think are two possible problems:

1.  The author's raid0 disklabel shows partition types of RAID for all of
    its underlying data partitions.  I would think those should be 4.2BSD,
    though it is possible newfs can be run against a partition of a different
2.  There is no discussion of inserting raid0b into /etc/fstab in order ot
    enable swap space.

Since you are running Root on RAID, how are you managing your swap space?
Do you have a dump device assigned?

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