On 8/31/06, Marc G. Fournier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vendors should release documentation, not write drivers.

 In a perfect world, they all would ... this is not a perfect world, it is
one dominated by Linux or Microsoft ... I use Adaptec drivers on 3 of my
servers, because, in 4.x, they were rock solid ... in 6.x, they have a
problem ... I'd like to be able to go out and upgrade those servers to a
vendor that provides "documentation", but its a cost I can't afford at

funny.  sounds to me like someone could fix the bugs if they had documentation.

the sad part is you refuse to learn.  you had a driver that used to
work and you didn't care that no docs meant you couldn't maintain it.
what happened?  you got burned.  so now you want a new driver that
works, but you don't care about getting the docs to assure that it
will still work later.  i look forward to reading an identical email
in 2 years with s/6/8/ and s/4/6/.

if your only interest is a driver that works today, you will be reamed
on the upgrade every time.  *every* time.

drivers stop working.  documentation doesn't.

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