On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 01:30:47PM -0500, Roger Midmore wrote:
> I recently got a acer aspire 3000 laptop which i got for a good price.
> Unfortunately it's got a broadcom wireless card which won't work under
> openbsd. I was wondering if there's some way to get it working or if i
> have to replace it what would be a good cheap alternative.

You can get an MSI MP54G4 from newegg.com for about $20[1].  Only
problem I've had so far is the wireless activity LED on my laptop
doesn't illuminate anymore, but I haven't determined the cause.

Before ordering a replacement, make sure to check how accessible the
Mini-PCI slot is.  My Thinkpad X40 required unscrewing just three
screws to get access to it, while an Averatec whose card I tried
replacing involved removing two dozen screws and disconnecting various
unrelated cables, and I eventually gave up without ever seeing the

[1] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16833158115

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