On Sep 14, 2006, at 3:57 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote:

One entry every day:
  Sep 10 02:16:58 tma0 /bsd: nfs server amd:16867: not responding

As far as I know I don't have NFS running...

amd(8): "amd operates by attaching itself as an NFS server to
each of the specified directories". mount(8) would probably tell
you something like

amd:16867 on /list type nfs (v2, udp, intr, timeo=100, retrans=100)

I'm not really a NFS guy, but I don't recall any way to get rid of such
a mount without a restart or getting the NFS server back.

The nfs server in question is amd running on the local machine,
clear out amd= lines from rc.conf.local unless they should be there
and reboot.

OK... I'll give up and restart the machine but I wish I could figure out how this got started. The box was last restarted 75 days ago and this problem cropped up about a week ago so I presume I somehow manually started amd; No idea how though... Nor can I see it running. I don't tinker with this machine; I have a test machine for experimentation and I test everything on it before starting on the online server.

Also, there is no entry for amd in rc.conf.local (or rc.local). The entry in rc.conf is: amd=NO


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