On 9/15/06, steve szmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It is funny to because many people are set in their ways and don't
want to learn something new. Some are pround to have mastered
something and don't want to join the masses who, by using some
new tool, can do it faster and maybe better than the old method.

Or maybe they aren't faster.  Or maybe that depends on the person and
the environment that they're working it.  You do understand that many
of us have used multiple editors seriously over the years and have
settled on what we use based on personal experience?  Oops, sorry,
that must be my 'pride' talking, thinking I might disagree with the

I see doctors who spend ten years learning something. The last
thing they want to hear is that their knowledge is now obsolete.
Which is always the risk in any high tech industry like ours.

Yeah, it's a risk if you work under a manager more interested in
buzzwords than results.  'scuse me while I use 20 year old technology
to get something done.

Philip Guenther

"The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
appreciates how difficult it was."
-- Walt West

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