
I am trying to install


on OpenBSD 3.9

I get this following error.

# ls
COPYING                    banner.gif                 sleezeball.conf
ChangeLog                  reloadszb                  sleezeball.definitions
Makefile                   sleezeball-make.patch      sleezeball.spec
README                     sleezeball.c
# make
cc -c sleezeball.c
sleezeball.c:79: warning: conflicting types for built-in function `log'
cc -o sleezeball sleezeball.o
sleezeball.o(.text+0xd0): In function `log':
: warning: vsprintf() is often misused, please use vsnprintf()
sleezeball.o(.text+0x5d): In function `get_date':
: warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy()
# cd /usr/ports/
# make search name=sleezeball

I understand that the OpenBSD team has replaced strcpy() with
strlcpy() in their tree.
How did you people do it? Do we have to manually go to each place and
make the change or is there any tool to automate the process?

Thankyou so much

Kind Regards


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