hi there,

i have just moved a couple of big files using scp from my server
to my notebook.  i left it going all night and when i came back
i had a no space left on device.  so i made some more space
and before restarting the transfer i fired up man scp because
for some reason i couldn't remember the parameter for resuming
copying.  apparently, because there isn't...

so i started to experiment a bit, start the download, abort it,
start it again, abort.  and i still can't tell what's happening.

amaaq> scp server:bigfile.iso .
bigfile.iso                                    0%  432KB 100.1KB/s 1:59:10 
ETA^CKilled by signal 2.
amaaq> ls -la bigfile.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 f  wheel  606208 Sep 24 11:19 bigfile.iso

amaaq> scp server:bigfile.iso .
bigfile.iso                                    0% 1824KB 112.3KB/s 1:46:04 
ETA^CKilled by signal 2.
amaaq> ls -la bigfile.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 f  wheel  1884160 Sep 24 11:20 bigfile.iso

amaaq> scp server:bigfile.iso .
bigfile.iso                                    0%  416KB  73.8KB/s 2:41:48 
ETA^CKilled by signal 2.
amaaq> ls -la bigfile.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 f  wheel  1884160 Sep 24 11:20 bigfile.iso

when the file is 1884160 bytes, and i restart the copying,
the file is not truncated but there is no seek to its end either,
so what is being downloaded and where is it put until it catches
up with the current position?  is it just discarded?

i think it would be nice to document this ambiguity in the scp
man page...

this unfinished download reminded me of another issue.
some of the programs which do downloads started using the
*.part or *.filepart filenames until the download is finished.

i realize that for some, this might seem as an unnecessary
wasting of resources (think moving lots of small files) but
i think it's good to know if the transport was really finished
and the files really are the ones i started copying and not
only its parts.

was there any consideration to give scp similar functionality?

if none of these features (resuming, renaming) do make sense
for scp, what do other people use for transporting (esp. big)

in an atomic war, all men will be cremated equal.

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