
a lot of newer notebooks uses pci whitelisting
to allow only mini-pci wireless cards sold by the
notebook vendor.

i read a few manuals explaining how pci id and vendor
id are set with linux.

i want to do same with OpenBSD, so i tried with

# pcitweak -r 02:04:0 -h 0x2C
0x8086 (Intel Corp)

# pcitweak -w 02:04:0 -h 0x2C 0x0e11 (Write compaq id into the card)

# pcitweak -r 02:04:0 -h 0x2C  #read again

# fsck intel again

is it possible to write into intel or atheros card eeprom
with pcitweak ?

are there any modifications in kernel (4.0 current) needed to write
eeprom ?

i dont want to install linux and the blob sh*t just for change
a few settings in the eeprom.


fire AT
enemy org

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