Hi when i try to update OpenBSD using the info in the FAQ i get this

#cvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -rOPENBSD_3_9 -P src
can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv5240
No space left on device

but this is the output of df
# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a     1011M    622M    339M    65%    /
/dev/wd0e      3.9G    2.0K    3.7G     0%    /tmp
/dev/wd0f     26.4G    2.1G   23.0G     8%    /usr
/dev/wd0d      3.9G    1.3G    2.4G    36%    /var

yesterday it was working, i try to update the sources but i dont know if it finish so i try this morning again but thas what im getting where can i fix this?

# du -h /tmp/
2.0K    /tmp/


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