Of course you wouldn't bother to read this article:


Since it's polite, to point and factual.

Instead of your rant which contains insults and lies.

And no, I'm not a GPL fanboy, I license most of my stuff under the
BSD license, but I do have respect for the work and opinions of

chefren wrote:
> On 10/5/06 5:05 AM, Travers Buda wrote:
> > Thats not very smart of intel, considering that OpenBSD is writing the
> > best drivers for them with a BSD liscense for FREE!
> In general Intel is definitely one of the smartest companies in this 
> world, I don't like them that much personally but highly respect them 
> for almost all their work. You can scream in this small church about 
> license details but at this moment the world sees no difference 
> between varieties of open source. Even basic "open source" is a very 
> big step for companies and it's very hard to explain differences 
> between GPL and BSD and the clue behind the enormous success of 
> OpenSSH. Most GPL fans think they understand the philosophies and 
> differences between GPL and BSD and strongly tend to ignore the basic 
> results of the licenses, they think "Linux is bigger than FreeBSD so 
> GPL is better than BSD"). If I try to explain that only BSD is "no 
> strings attached" they say "but the BSD license requires you to copy 
> the name of the authoring person only copy left is without any 
> strings. And there I have to explain that in most civil countries 
> =everything is copyrighted= even for many years after the passing away 
> of the authoring person so its basically the law that requires some 
> sign that proves it's copy-left and only the author can claim. If the 
> claim is left, even after years someone might rightfully claim and ask 
> for real money if you use "unsigned" code.
> This is all far to complicated for 99% of the people in this world.
> The argument against GPL that works best for me during "discussions" 
> about it is that GPL is BSD with Digital Rights Management. Even GPL 
> zealots have an extremely bad feeling while hearing "DRM", again and 
> again funny to see their faces while it sinks in.

# Han

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