> The company I work for is required to get PCI (Payment Card
> something-or-other) certified in order to keep doing some of the things
> that we are doing with credit card payments. 

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard


> However, now that we need this cert, one of the few things still
> standing in the way is the requirement that we set up the FTP server
> to lockout (for 30min.) any account that fails to login 3 times in a
> row.

You mean besides the fact that you're running FTP at all, right?
- PCI requires that all passwords are encrypted in transmission, and FTP
  doesn't do this.
- Depending on how you interpret the wording, PCI either prohibits or
  strongly discourages the use of FTP from 'untrusted' networks/hosts

Consider replacing your FTP solution with scp/sftp.


Countersiege Systems Corporation - http://www.countersiege.com
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