hi there,

my tiny server is not a champion when it comes to hardware..
normally it doesn't swap, but recently i have run a ram hungry
application and it started swapping.

top displays swapped processes nicely, easy to spot.
because of its limited dipslay, i had a look at ps's options
about showing swapped processes, swap sat unused all this time,
so i admit i had holes in this :)

turns out, it's normally enough to list all process and look for 'W'.
not too many processes with 'W' in their names, so it works for me.

i have only limited knowledge about the swapping/paging algorithms
implemented in openbsd but i was surprised to see the following

integer> ps -ax | grep W
 4954 p6  R+      0:00.00 grep W (ksh)

no process swapped.  repeat this a lot of times.  10, 20, 30.
same result.  then suddenly around 40 processes in state 'W'.
in the next instant, nothing again.  then a lot of processes again.

i know ps is only showing what was, or might have been, not what it is..
but how come in one moment 40-50 (out of the total 110-120 processes)
are "swapped out" and in the next instant none of them?

opinions are like assholes - everybody has one.

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