
On 13/10/2006, at 1:20 AM, Breen Ouellette wrote:

Hmm. Let's see. Jack's original post is listed in its entirety below. I do not see any quotes around the word interesting. If you read it then you may agree that his meaning is obvious, you may not.

I replied to this...

So yes, I posted an abrasive message to the list in an attempt to curb such discussion from taking place again.

You posted an abrasive message to prevent a flame war? Nice work.

Where your particular misunderstanding seems to come into play is where you see Jack reference his earlier message, the one posted below, by quoting the word interesting. He was not implying anything.

He can speak for himself, which is why I asked him. He said 'interesting' a few times, so I was intrigued by that. Even Bob Beck asked 'How so?...'.

You either missed part of the thread or were fishing for an argument.

Actually, you missed part of the thread. The part I was actually replying to.

PS - I would avoid bringing up donations as a way of indicating that you are supporting the project. If you dig back in the lists you will find a post I made to another list, ports@ maybe, asking a question with the request that replies be sent to my email as well as the list, as I was not subscribed to that list. I got slammed for not supporting the project by participating in the list. I replied that I participate in misc@ instead because I can actually be useful there (sometimes) and that I donate to the project. I was then accused by several parties of attempting to "buy" help by bringing up my donations, when I was merely trying to indicate that I *DO* support the project in the ways available to me, as you did above.

Two different situations. I am obviously not trying to buy support. I was merely trying to make my honest intentions known. When I make a donation, it is for real. I don't want or expect anything in return for it. That's why it is a donation. Mentioning that I have donated was just to show that I do actually care about OpenBSD and am most likely therefore not trolling for flames.

In fact, for the cost of a $300 (.au) SCSI card, I don't feel that would be payment enough for even a single day for a single developer, for what they do with their skills. I wouldn't dare expect anything in return. I am merely grateful for what I get.

I hope this is the end of this ridiculous waste of time. A single, pro-OpenBSD, throw away comment should not have come to this.

Shane J Pearson
shanejp netspace net au

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