On 2006/10/12 at 05:04:10PM -0400, Jason Crawford wrote:

> And I ment to send this to the whole list

        A nuisance, having the "From: " set to the individual poster,
not the list, isn't it?

        [ ... ]

> Oldest machine I had running (until I moved to an appartment that
> can't accomodate more than a couple machines) was a sparc station2 at
> 40MHz and 32MB ram with two 512MB hard drives. Didn't have an onboard
> nic,

        Huh?  I though that the SS-2 had an AUI connector, so all
you need is an external transceiver, not a NIC.  I've used them with
Thicknet, Thinnet, and 10BaseT at various times.

>      but I put one on it and it was my DNS server just fine with
> OpenBSD up to 3.7 or so until I moved, and as far as I know it should
> still work. I also run a friend's firewall on a p166 machine with 64MB
> of ram.

        The oldest one which I am still running (at present) is an old
Sun LX -- running an older Solaris, but a planned changeover to OpenBSD.
Intended function is DNS server.


 Email:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
        (too) near Washington D.C. | http://www.d-and-d.com/dnichols/DoN.html
           --- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---

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