My home office is growing as my wife moves from the office to the home. Her
work requires her to have an 831 to which is attached a 7960 IP phone.
Currently, my network just has a cheap intel box with OpenBSD doing
nat/firewall. My question is how do I make the openbsd nat/firewall box
disappear in front of the 831, so that her 7960 can configure appropriately
and her work doesn't get all uptight that she is not connecting it the way
they suggest.
I guess the alternative is that I move the openbsd box and all of my
computers behind the 831, but I have been running OpenBSD for 5-6 years with
no problems (for her or me).
I currently have the 831 plugged into a switch via a regular port on the 831
(port 1-4) rather than the ethernet/internet(e1) port which may be my
biggest problem. Of course I can plug other boxes into the 831 in this
configuration and connect to the internet through the OpenBSD nat box no
problems. Since I am not familiar with the Cisco hardware, maybe someone
who has done the same thing can point me in the correct direction (i.e. do i
have to drill holes through my firewall for the 7960 to work).
- cisco 831 & cisco 7960 behind openbsd nat/firewall Bob Dobb