> I've looked through the mailing list archives and haven't found any recent
> information about Aironet MPI-350 Wireless support.  I just did a fresh
> install of OpenBSD 3.9 on a ThinkPad T40 with this wireless card.  Dmesg
> outputs this information ""Aironet MPI-350 Wireless" rev 0x00 at pci2 dev
> 2 function 0 not configured".  I'm currently in the process of upgrading
> to -current in hopes that this card is now supported.  Can anyone provide
> anymore information about the support of this card in OpenBSD?  Thanks.

I tried one of these a couple of weeks ago under -current, no good. 
Unfortunately, these cards are common in .au at the moment, sold by

Instead, a ral-based Minitar MN54GCB-R (note the -R, the newer ralink
based version of this card) worked out of the box, and was a few dollars
cheaper, though a bit harder to find, 
Note that even this page actually has the text for the _not_ supported
MN54GCB version of the card.  The box actually mentions linux support,
which is a nice sign.

-- Don

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