On 10/19/06, Bob Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        My typical way to do his is find my latest dump(s) on tape
or elsewhere - chuck them on an nfs server accesible to the machine
to be restored, boot from bsd.rd, mount the nfs location with the
dump files and proceed.

That's why I'd *like* to do, but I don't have 'mount_nfs' on my
bsd.rd. I'm guessing you are using a non-i386 bsd.rd, right?

The FAQ at http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html#InstMedia mentions
that "the OpenBSD/i386 platform does not support NFS installs", so I
guess a i386 cd40.iso image will not ne NFS-capable, and therefore NFS
is not an option for me.

Makes sense, right?

At least, as Michal suggested I could use FTP.


"Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
the streets after them."

                                                  --Bill Vaughan

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