On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 11:34:49AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > 2006/10/18, ICMan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > I have read this thread, and I don't get it.  Doesn't it benefit card
> > > companies to have open source communities making their drivers better?
> > 
> > One theory is that the cards are so full of patent violations that
> > opening up the docs would lead to a lot of court orders. And since
> > this applies to all manufactures, the first one to open up looses.
> People who invent random theories which only defend the vendor must have
> been beaten as children.  Beaten with sticks.
> At least, that's my theory.
> You say it is a theory.  However not ONE vendor who I have talked to
> has ever told me such things in defence of their position.  They've
> not even HINTED that this might be part of their reasons.
> Of course they also have never hinted that it could be their evil
> step-moms are standing behind them holding sticks..  so we should make
> up a theory about that, right?
> Why do some people feel the need to make up utter bullshit defences
> for the vendors, when there is not one ounce of fact to back it up?
> Why?

I think anyone who cares about this at all has tried to figure out why
vendors take the attitude they do. I have, though I haven't posted much
about it.

Since you and those you work with on this project have dealt with many
different vendors, do you find some common reasons they give? Or when
you back them into a logical corner, is there some last refuge they
resort to?

I'm sure you can guess why I'm asking.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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