On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 06:23:20PM -0600, Steve Williams wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been running spamdb greylisting only for several years as my only 
> line of defense at home.  At work I have managed to sneak in a Sparc64 
> Sunfire 120 (OpenBSD 3.9) as a caching web proxy & default gateway.
> Today,  we had a fairly agressive attack on our email system, 6000+ 
> emails in a relatively short period of time.  I took the opportunity to 
> deploy greylisting on the OpenBSD box (which is our first line of 
> defense... first of many).
> It's performed well, and is up to about 300 email servers whitelisted.  
> I know from personal experience that Bell in Ontario (at the minimum) 
> and a few other ISP's have server pools that do not cooperate nicely 
> with greylisting.  They do not guarantee the same server will retry 
> sending the email when it's blocked by spamdb (451 temporary failure).
> On my computer at home, I notice these entries when I do a spamdb | more 
> and see something like:
> PROTECTED]>|1161299154|1161313554|1161313554|1|0
> PROTECTED]>|1161296098|1161310498|1161310498|1|0
> PROTECTED]>|1161300604|1161315004|1161315004|1|0
> PROTECTED]>|1161302039|1161316439|1161316439|1|0
> PROTECTED]>|1161294517|1161308917|1161308917|1|0
> PROTECTED]>|1161292315|1161306715|1161306715|1|0
> PROTECTED]>|1161297659|1161312059|1161312059|1|0
> On my personal email server, it happens VERY seldom.  On our work 
> server, it only took a couple of hours for this to show up.  It looks 
> like Yahoo might be the same way.
> I am 99% sure that I have seen on the internet SOMEWHERE a "whitelist" 
> of servers that are like this.  I thought Bob Beck had forwarded one at 
> one point in time, but I can only find his post regarding the tarfile he 
> maintains for the "zombie" hosts.
> Bob, if you are listening, what do you do at the U of A to handle these 
> mis-behaving server pools?  Anyone else??
> Thanks,
> Steve Williams

I have the same issue with certain pools. I added a bit to my pf.conf:

table <mywhite> persist file "/etc/mail/whitelist.txt"

# place this BEFORE rdr rules for spamd
no rdr inet proto tcp from <mywhite> to any port smtp

Then I manually add certain pools to whitelist.txt. Sometimes you get
lucky and find SPF entries, like for gmail. Otherwise you have to make a
guess. FYI, "host -ttxt bellsouth.net" returns for spf.

Oh, I also use whitelist.txt in spamd-setup, though it's not really
needed since the "no rdr" bypasses all that anyway.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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