On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 11:41:43PM +0300, Peter Philipp wrote: > license for your own programs. Now all I gotta do is bang out my program > based on this info. :-)
Just a followup on this, I did bang out this program and have been spending the greater part of the day re-concatenating my old mp3 clips. Remember my original need for this, I disconnect/reconnect my pppoe every minute. This gives me a new IP every minute. Since there is an overlap on the MP3 streaming server I'm able to concatenate the pieces together based on a series of checksums that are part of the MP3 format. If you would like to see my program you can download it from https://ssl-id.de/centroid.eu/peter/merge-mp3-clips.c [checksum: MD5 (src/misc/merge-mp3-clips.c) = 9281305ab48233aa86d2df3c184b0b93 ] To make it use for your stuff it probably needs a bit of editing/hardcoding. I hardcoded the directories and the files have the format "ckln.`date +"%s"`". The listening of this is a pleasure again without skips, repeats and screeches. This program can also be used for groups on the Internet. Say you want to protect your identity from MP3 streaming vendors and have a few friends on the Internet you can all download a minute of listening at different offsets in time (crontabbed perhaps?) and then change your IP. During the download of the stream you don't do any network activity, that way noone can correlate your IP to any other service on the Internet (prior to the download you also change IP). At the end of each download the MP3 clip is uploaded to a central server or on a P2P network and re-assembled with similar programs such as this for your uninterupted listening pleasure. This pretty well protects your privacy globally and noone can be sure who is listening into a certain program for a long time, noone can proove that you are interested in a certain topic/discussion (say if someone talks about coups, rebellions, dissent), all they'll be able to tell is that someone listened for a minute and then had enough (hardly incriminating them in orwellian societies/states). Have fun! -peter -- Here my ticker tape .signature #### My name is Peter Philipp #### lynx -dump "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pufferfish&oldid=20768394" | sed -n 131,137p #### http://centroid.eu #### So long and thanks for all the fish!!!