Matthias Kilian wrote on Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 09:14:01PM +0200:
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 04:13:44PM -0500, Robby Workman wrote:

>> Linux: NVIDIA Binary Graphics Driver Exploit
> Yes, and really scares me are the guys that still don't get it.


> I don't know the english words, so here's my impression of this
> situation in german (perhaps someone may translate it):
>  Die Leute lassen sich wie die Laemmer zur Schlachtbank
>  fuehren -- immer und immer wieder.

Well, this alludes to Jesaja 53,7, it applies to the Messiah -
and it does not talk about dumbness or anything of the sort.

In modern times, and in the changed sense you appear to recall,
it is perhaps best known in the context of the citation by
Abba Kovner (1918-1987) when he roused several Jews in Vilnius
to armed rebellion on the 1st of January, 1942 (see for more information
about Kovner).

In any case, your metaphor does not apply very well -
taking the Jesaja context, one might ask whether better
software should be discussed using the same terms as
salvation.  Taking the modern context, one might observe
that there is a large difference between disrespect of
consumers rights and negligence of information security
on the one hand and murder - let alone administrational
mass murder - on the other hand.

> So, sorry for the rant, but I'm really upset about this.

Clearly not without reason, but instead of giving a translation,
i should rather like to use another idiom: Auf dem Teppich

I hope this does not sound too offensive.  Still, i think it is
a good idea to be very careful when using metaphors as powerful
as this one.

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