---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:08:51 -0700
>From: andrew fresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Thank you OpenBSD, the sensors framework ROX!  
>To: misc@openbsd.org
>I just want to say thank you to the OpenBSD team.
>Over the weekend, one of our OpenBSD servers[1] had a fan die.  Thanks to
>the sensors framework, and the Nagios[2] plugin I wrote[3], I found out
>it was broken, and I could also tell that the rest of the fans in the
>server were doing a fine job keeping it cool.  That means I was able to
>replace the fan at my convienience.  Without the sensors framework, I
>would probably not have noticed the fan being out until more fans died
>and the server overheated.
>[1] It one of our Internet routers, running OpenBGPd[4]
>[2] http://www.nagios.org
>[3] I swear this isn't an advertisement, but here's the link[5]
>[4] Thanks for OpenBGPd too!
>[5] http://openbsd.somedomain.net/nagios/

i like your domain name :). i was planning on writing a plugin myself but my
work queue is hella deep right now.

thanks so much for making the plugin available!

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