On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, Matt Bettinger wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a nagging problem that has plauged my openbsd systems for YEARS.
> Picture this,  openbsd firewall three interfaces.  xl0 is the outside
> interface which is connected to an business class road runner cable
> modem connection.
> I can do dhclient xl0 at the console and grab an lease just fine from
> the cable modem.  NOW,  if I reboot the machine it will not get an
> lease.  I have to manually  do it from the console.  The
> firewall/router machine is 3.9 at the moment but I have had this
> problem ever since 2.7.  It isn't THAT big of a deal since the machine
> rarely needs rebooting but it sure can be annoying when there is a
> power outtage.
> # more /etc/hostname.xl0    <---outside interface connected to cable modem
> dhcp
> # more /etc/hostname.xl1
> inet description "Inside Interface"
> # more /etc/hostname.xl2
> inet description "DMZ Interface"
> /etc/dhclient.conf file exists and all values are commented out so we
> are using defaults!
> When the daemon is running after starting it at console it gladly
> accepts a lease from the modem,
> My /var/log/daemon shows many of these
> Oct 24 13:42:41 imelda dhclient[25525]: DHCPACK from
> Oct 24 21:37:15 imelda dhclient[25525]: DHCPREQUEST on xl0 to
> port 67
> When the machine reboots I have to kill the current dhclient then
> start another one.
> I am also running dhcpd on the firewall server.  The dhcpd daemon is
> offering leases to two other interfaces but not to the outside
> interface (xl0) obviously.
> Does anyone have any ideas?

What does /var/log/daemon say before you kill the original dhclient?
It should log what it is doing...  Also, the console log lists what
dhclient is doing. Without that info, it is hard to tell what is going

The machines I use that have an adsl connection happily use dhclient...


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