On 2006/10/29 06:23, Nick Guenther wrote:
> I other words: yes. The operation of mounting requires you to be able
> to write to the filesystem you are mounting on to

I admin a number of boxes that disprove this theory (-:

> (at least, that's how my intuition tells me it should work; otherwise
> an attacker with "mount" might be able to overload the mounted filesystems
> on a read-only filesystems, defeating the purpose of the read-only)
> I believe just rerunning mount with different options on the
> already-mounted fs will do it, right?

think about what you're saying here: if it's possible to remount (which
it is), an attacker with mount(8) can defeat RO anyway (and of course they
could mount a new /usr/bin or whatever over the top of the existing one).

# mount -uw /
# mount -ur /

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