On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 01:19:09PM -0500, John Kintzele wrote:
> Hello,
> OpenBSD 4.0 installed from official CD (i386). No problems. In trying
> to install various Gnome apps (e.g., gedit), I'm running into a
> missing lib problem, and while I've people who've had the same
> problem on Google, I haven't found a clear response that seems to
> have fixed the problem.  (I am performing this pkg_add via FTP). In a
> nutshell, here is what I'm seeing from pkg_add:
> ----
> Can't install gnome-vfs2-2.10.1p0: lib not found crypto.12.0
> Even by looking in dependency tree... etc.
> Maybe it's in a dependent... etc.
> Can't install gnome-vfs2-2.10.1p0: lib not found ssl.10.0
> etc.

On my system, libcrypto.so.12.0 dates back from september 2005...
Where are you getting those packages from ? the 3.8 directory ?

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