On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 09:24:49AM -0700, Jeff Ross wrote:
> Rainer Giedat wrote:
> >Hi Stuart,
> >
> >On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 04:59:21PM -0500, stuartv wrote:
> >>This project is all part of my devious plan to gradually 
> >>convert to an all (or at least mostly) OpenBSD environment
> >>here at work (psst... don't tell my boss).  If this pans out,
> >>I think replacing our SQL server with MySQL on an OpenBSD box
> >>will be the next big conquest.  :)
> >I would not do that if i were you. It does not matter if you
> >use MySQL or PostgreSQL or any other. Changeing the backend
> >for MSAccess is a pain in the a**, especially if you have
> >frontends written in VisualBasic (dudes checking for -1 instead
> >of false...). You will become at least problems
> >with compatibility of the data types.
> >
> >/dev/rainer
> >
> But that is exactly what we _did_ do at work.  We moved from MS Access
> to PostgreSQL seamlessly by using psqlodbc.  That let us put our data in
> a real database, eliminated all of the data corruption problems we were
> having with Access, and let our users continue to use the forms and
> whatnot that they were used to while we coded up a web front end (using
> php, to throw a comment out there to another thread running on misc@).
If you had data corruption, you had a reason to change it. Stuart seemed
like he wants to do it only to get rid of the windows boxes.

> The boolean problem mentioned above is a checkbox in the ODBC driver
> configs--not a very big PITA compared to supporting Access!
I know. It was only the first example which came to my mind..
I had to change a lot of code to get it running. I also had stability
problems with psqlodbc. When did you do that? Maybe psqlodbc is better

> Jeff

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