On Thu, 02 Nov 2006 22:03:05 -0800, Alexander Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> RAID, kiddo.
>> It's more complex.  It is something else that can go wrong.
>> And...it DOES go wrong.  Either believe me now, or wish you believed me
>> later.  Your call.  I spent a lot of time profiting from people who
>> ignored my advice. :)
>Of course raid are more complex on a hardware level, but that doesn't
>exactly make it more complex for _me_, the user, does it?


Yes, it does. Not realizing the increased complexity and risks for the
user just means you drank the koolaid and actually believe the marketing
and advertising nonsense for hardware RAID products. If with *your*
experience you really believe that hardware and firmware never have
serious bugs or catastrophic failures, then you are statistically
overdue for a number of unpleasant surprises.

Here is an interesting question for you which may help you grasp the
concept Nick is preaching; in the event of a nasty failure on a RAID
where you absolutely *must* be able to recover the valuable data, do you
stand a better chance of recovering the data from a hardware RAID
configuration or a software RAID configuration?

Though contrary to the marketing koolaid, the answer is software RAID.
In a hardware RAID you are blindly trusting incompletely documented
hardware and undisclosed firmware. You will *NEVER* have access to the
firmware source code or the chip logic, so you never really know how it
works exactly. In a software RAID configuration (ccd/raidframe/etc), you
have the source code, know exactly how it works and the hardware is far
less complex as well as reasonably well documented in most cases. With
software RAID, at least you have a chance of mounting the raw disks and
piecing thing back together manually. The odds of recovery are always
better when things are simple and you actually know how they work.

Mindlessly slapping a new disk into a hardware RAID after a disk failure
only works *some* of the time and only for *some* types of failures. If
you're not lucky enough to be in the *some* category, then you'll be
dusting off those outdated backup tapes and updating your resume.
Imagine telling your boss that there is no way to recover the data from
the trashed RAID disks because the vendor refuses to release required
hardware/firmware information.

If you had kept things known and simple by using a software RAID, you
may have had a chance of recovering the companys' financial records. 

Hardware RAID is fun, fast and useful for some applications but you
should at least understand the additional complexity you're deploying,
the additional risks caused by the complexity and the additional costs
you will bear. When your only concern is reliability then your goal
should be to keep it as simple as feasible. Less complexity and fewer
unknowns not only means fewer things can go wrong but it also means a
greater chance of recovery.

Still not convinced? Let's say a bug is committed to the -CURRENT source
tree in the driver for your hardware RAID card. Since reliability is so
critical to you, you must have a completely identical hardware setup for
constantly testing your hardware RAID controller with -CURRENT to
prevent that bug from getting into a -RELEASE? Or maybe you went out and
spent the few hundred bucks for an additional RAID controller like the
one you use so you could donate it to one of the developers in the
project who actually work on the driver?

Nope, statistically you're probably a typical user who waits until
release to see if your RAID volumes are hosed by an undiscovered bug.
Luckily, with OpenBSD you have extremely dedicated expert developers
covering up for your short-sightedness.

The path of "Simple, Known and Tested" should be looking really good to
you about now for reliability but if not, then there is really no point
in arguing it any further. Not everyone can provoke Nick into yet
another world class RAID RANT, but those who do darn well ought to learn
something before he pulls out the nail gun again to show you what a
worst case disk failure is really like. (no joke, search the archives).


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