
I got a laptop with the operating system FreeBSD 6.1 with router
firewall netgear
and an ADSL modem to connect on the internet. I would like to setup a
personnal firewall
on my computer and I choose OpenBSD pf. The only network interface is ndis0.

The filtering method is quite simple : everything is blocked and only
what I need is authorized. However I have a problem with FTP protocol.

I tryed ftp-proxy without success

Here my configuration files

#### rc.conf

inetd_flags="-wW -c 60 -a"

#### inetd.conf
ftp-proxy  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/libexec/ftp-proxy  ftp-proxy
 -u proxy -m 49151 -M 50000

#### /etc/services
ftp-proxy  8021/tcp  #FTP Proxy

With sockstat -4 command i have:
root  inetd   838  5 tcp4  *:*

#### pf.conf:

# $FreeBSD: pf.conf,v 1.0 2006/10/31 21:49:20 olivier Exp $

# ---------------------
# Macros.
# ---------------------

# Network interface

# tcp flags
tcpflags="flags S/SFRA"

# Router/firewall Netgear

# Proxy http

# Log

# ---------------------
# Options.
# ---------------------

set block-policy drop

# ---------------------
# Normalisation.
# ---------------------

scrub in all

# ---------------------
# Redirection.
# ---------------------

rdr on $int_if_2 proto tcp from any to any port 21 \
-> port 8021

# ---------------------
# Filtering.
# ---------------------

# --------------
# default.
# --------------

block $logblock all

pass in quick on $int_if_1 all
pass out quick on $int_if_1 all

# Antispoof
antispoof for { $int_if_1 $int_if_2 }
block in $logblock quick from no-route
block out $logblock quick from no-route

# ---------------
# User.
# ---------------

# DHCP with router/firewall Netgear wpnt834
pass out $logpass quick on $int_if_2 proto tcp from ($int_if_2) to \
$wpnt834 port bootpc $tcpflags keep state

pass out $logpass quick on $int_if_2 proto udp from ($int_if_2) to \
any port domain keep state

# Proxy
pass out $logpass quick on $int_if_2 proto tcp from ($int_if_2) to \
$proxy_http port $proxy_port $tcpflags keep state

pass out $logpass quick on $int_if_2 inet proto icmp from ($int_if_2) \
to any icmp-type 8 code 0 keep state

# http et https
pass out $logpass quick on $int_if_2 proto tcp from ($int_if_2) to  \
any port { http https } $tcpflags keep state

# ftp with ftp-proxy
pass in $logpass on $int_if_2 inet proto tcp from $int_if_2 port > 49151 \
keep state

# (MSN, IRC, ICQ et Jabber)
pass out $logpass quick on $int_if_2 proto tcp from ($int_if_2) to \
any port { 16863 6667 5190 5222 } $tcpflags keep state

# cvsup
pass out $logpass quick on $int_if_2 proto tcp from ($int_if_2) to \
any port 5999 $tcpflags keep state

# End of file

After, i used ftp command and i have this message:
ftp: connect: Operation not permitted

I think my rdr doesn't work at all but i don't know why ? Could you help
me about this? I remind I got only one host and one network interface.

Thank you very much.

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