On 2006/11/08 21:56, Reza Muhammad wrote:
> My rule set still not working, as i'm expected to
> limit outgoing and incoming traffic pass to my pf
> machine act as an bridge .
> pass out log on xl1 from to
> keep state flags S/SA queue (int_out)

this creates a state for traffic from and it's
responses. traffic matching the state is tagged with the queue
name int_out. only traffic sent out of xl1 is queued, there is
no matching queue for xl2 so it's unrestricted on xl2.

> pass out log on xl2 from to
> keep state flags S/SA queue (int_in)

this creates a state for traffic from and it's
responses. traffic matching the state is tagged with the queue
name int_in. only traffic sent out of xl2 is queued, there is
no matching queue for xl1 so it's unrestricted on xl2.

I think you want this instead: (not tested beyond checking
that the syntax is valid, but I think it should work).

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
  altq on xl1 bandwidth 100% cbq queue {int,dflt}
  queue int on xl1   bandwidth 3Mb
  queue dflt on xl1  bandwidth  16Kb cbq (default)

  altq on xl2 bandwidth 100% cbq queue {int,dflt}
  queue int on xl2   bandwidth 3Mb
  queue dflt on xl2  bandwidth 16Kb cbq (default)

  pass out log on xl1 from to \
   keep state flags S/SA queue (int)

  pass out log on xl2 from to \
   keep state flags S/SA queue (int)
-- -- -- -- -- -- --

"int on xl1" and "int on xl2" are different queues, but
just referred to by "int" when you assign traffic to them.

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