On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 04:10:54PM -0600, Damian Wiest wrote:
> I've had the misfortune of running AIX for a short time and am aware of
> how Veritas Volume Manager encapsulates disks, but what's the
> equivalent in OpenBSD?  One benefit of those systems is that they allow
> you to resize filesystems on the fly, which is helpful if you're not
> sure how much space you're going to need.  I sometimes end up performing
> two installs.  The first one lets me see how much space the OS 
> distribution is likely to occupy and I then use those numbers when I redo 
> the install.

If you want to do the same in OpenBSD, allocate the maximum number of
partitions and run ccd devices over appropriate subsets of the
partitions. (Note growfs(8); there is no shrinkfs, though.)

If this is not granular enough, add one ccd device per partition, and
parition that one again [1]. This setup would allow dividing a disk in
15x15 = 255 not necessarily equally big slices, which Should Be Enough
For Everyone. (If not, repeat.)

You'll probably want to build a custom kernel to increase the number of
ccd devices. And wash your hands.


[1] This is possible, but I haven't tested either performance or
stability of this setup.

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