Hi Daniel, I don't do this in spamd at the moment, because I want to
keep spamd small and secure, and regex code is amazingly big and scary. 

        have a look at my prototype greylist scanner from my nycbug
talk for a way to do this. 


* Daniel Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-11-08 02:34]:
> Hi,
> I am trying to setup a wild card trapit for all emails getting to some 
> domains I have to obviously reduce spam, but I don't see a way to do so.
> Yes you can do:
> spamdb -T -a "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> And that works well, but I would like to do something like
> spamdb -T -a "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> spamdb -T -a "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> spamdb -T -a "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> spamdb -T -a "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> spamdb -T -a "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> For example. This would allow me for example to use a domain I have for 
> 14 years+ and that only have 5 valid emails address in it, but that you 
> guess, over the years only get spam now. I mean thousands of spam emails 
> per day!
> So, I would like to trapit everything that is not from these 5 emails.
> Obviously this idea is I guess stupid if you have lots of accounts, but 
> if you do have a limited number of accounts, then may be a good idea to do.
> Then putting this small domain on a server with big one would help the 
> big as well.
> Is there a way to do this?
> So, far I don't see one.

if ((not 0 && not 1) !=  (! 0 && ! 1)) {
   print "Larry and Tom must smoke some really primo stuff...\n"; 

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