On Sat, Nov 18, 2006 at 08:53:04AM -0600, Will Maier wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 18, 2006 at 02:35:27PM +0100, Igor Sobrado wrote:
> >
> > I read a lot of documentation on the utilities for managing
> > packages on NetBSD, where /usr/pkg/etc is used.  I expected the
> > same behaviour on OpenBSD.  
> Why would you expect that?

  seems that all the OP is saying is that he expected
  to find, in the manpages for pkg_*, reference to using /etc
  as the place for config files from installed packages.

> > I just asked because this behaviour is not documented on the man
> > pages and it is certainly different to the way pkg_* works on
> > NetBSD (where there is a different /etc for the packages).
> Assuming OpenBSD works just like NetBSD will make things hard for
> you. Read the FAQ and man pages, and trust pkg_info(1).

  pkg_info(1) doesn't have anything to say about the /etc thing.

  however, bsd.port.mk(5), which is .Xr'd out of pkg_info does
  have an explanation for 'SYSCONFDIR' for the first hit for '/etc',
  ( also could find it with searching for '/usr/local/etc' )
  and then again packages(7) as already mentioned.



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