On Sun, 19 Nov 2006 18:33:17 +0000
Gaby Vanhegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm really having an incredibly painful time with MySQL on 3.9.  Has  
> anybody had a problem getting MySQL 4 or 5 to play happy?  I've read  
> these pages

i've had mysql5 working just fine on 3.9 in the past, but eventually
went over to postgresql because it made a mess with phpBB (dropped that
too and went to punBB).

in rc.local i had:
# mysql startup for chroot situation
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe ]; then
/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --user=_mysql --log=/var/log/mysqld &
sleep 4
rm -f /var/www/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
ln /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock /var/www/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock

and i recall that to run phpmyadmin (which never ran well) you need to
set up: mkdir -p /var/www/var/run/mysql 
so that the ln -s in rc.local to mysql.sock works

also, i had 
mkdir /var/www/tmp
chmod 777 /var/www/tmp
(though i can't recall if mysql required it or not)

of course, when mysql is installed from packages there are some simple
instructions to initialize the db and set the root pswd. i recall it
worked fine from there.

(the instructions on openbsdsupport.org/mysql.htm are very thorough
indeed, but i didn't know they existed at the time i used to run mysql
so i never used them.)

i apologize for not being able to assist with either the error messages
or your moderate load problem. we ran under very light loads and while
our own php programs ran without any difficulties, phpBB kept crashing

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