On Thu, Nov 23, 2006 at 01:32:29PM +0000, Conrad Winchester wrote:
> I do have one question though and I apologize if people always ask
> this: At the end of the install I asked whether I want to run sshd
> and ntpd by default - very nice BUT why am I not given the option
> to turn off Sendmail at this point? 

So that mail delivery works? OpenBSD has a number of useful
automated reports enabled by default which provide you with
important information, among other reasons.

> I NEVER use sendmail

Do you use a different MTA? That's fine -- sendmail is the default
MTA, but you can easily install others (eg Postfix) using
precompiled packages. In most cases, you simply run
'<newMTA>-enable' and clean up a few loose ends. See the
installation message for your MTA of choice for more information.

> and for an OS that prides itself on being as minimal as possible I
> would have thought giving you the option to not run sendmail would
> also be there right from the start.

IANAD, but...the goals[0] of the OpenBSD project are pretty clear,
and minimalism isn't explicitly one of them. Providing an audited
and specific featureset in the base distribution makes the task of
securing the whole system easier, but 'shipping the least stuff'
isn't in itself a goal (AFAICT).

Sendmail is there as a convenience, as is a heavily modified Apache.
If you don't need them, or want different MTAs or web servers, the
package system gives you plenty of easy options.

As you're new, I'll also plug the FAQ:


In fact, this _very question_ is answered in the FAQ[1]. It helps to
check the FAQ and the mailing list archives first if you have a
question. You'll also find the man pages handy.

[0] http://www.openbsd.org/goals.html
[1] http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq1.html#HowAbout


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| web:.......http://www.lfod.us/ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
*------------------[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]------------------*

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