
I've read "man syslog.conf" several times, especially this passage:

    !!prog causes the subsequent block to abort evaluation when a message
    matches, ensuring that only a single set of actions is taken.  !* can be
    used to ensure that any ensuing blocks are further evaluated (i.e. can-
    celling the effect of a !prog or !!prog).

but don't understand it and how to adapt it for my purpose:

I have a program called "pref" which does following:

       openlog(__progname, LOG_CONS | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
       syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", msg);
       syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s", msg);
       syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s", msg);

I'd like all of those messages to go into separate file /var/log/pref
but not into the /var/log/messages. So first I've appended

       *.*                                                    /var/log/pref

to the /etc/syslog.conf, touched the /var/log/pref, adapted
newsyslog.conf and pkill -HUPped syslogd. This worked,
but the messages also were written into /var/log/messages.

Then I've added a second "!" and moved those 2 lines to
the top of /etc/syslog.conf:

       *.*                                                    /var/log/pref

Now no messages at all are written into /var/log/messages :-/

Can anyone please give me a hint?



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