Just a heads up, we are one week away from OpenCon in Venice next weekend 2/3 
December 2006. The only conference entirely dedicated to OpenBSD and it's free 

Visit http://www.opencon.org/ for info.

The program: http://www.opencon.org/program.php

We've had many registrations from strange and exotic places (the stat page is 
not up to date but gives you an idea), so far it looks like the biggest 
OpenBSD meeting ever.

And probably the best too :-)

Check http://www.opencon.org/register-stat.php 

For those who plan to come and have not registered yet, please do so asap as 
we need to prepare many things like booklets and badges.

Just use http://www.opencon.org/registration.php

There are no costs involved by doing so but it's time we start figure out the 

See you all in Venice next week!



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