Hello there,

I run an OpenBSD web server (still running 3.9), and I encounter an
unusual intermittent problem.  It runs Apache with php, and for the
most part it runs great with a load average of
around 3-5 processes.

Occasionally, however (every few days, lately), it freaks out and it
seems to try running everything at one time.

I leave "top" running so that I can see what's going on before it
starts to lock (it's not ACTUALLY locked, it's just running
ridiculously slowly), and just before it toasted most recently, this
was the status:

load averages: 168.48, 108.33, 54.01
257 processes: 179 running, 76 idle, 1 zombie, 1 on processor

Additionally the CPU States for each processor is at like 65% system
usage (this clearly sounds to me like the OS is just trying to juggle
the ridiculous number of running processes).  Generally speaking
though, the CPU Stats tends to hover around "20% system" which seems
unusually high to me.

So my question is rather general, I guess.

What should I be looking for that would prevent this from freaking out
like this?  I've tinkered with the login.conf and the apache
configurations, and I'm curious if there are other things I should
consider looking at.


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