On 11/29/06, Damian Wiest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1)  visual editor -- ed, vi, emacs
2)  revision control system -- RCS, CVS, Subversion
3)  portability tools -- autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool)
4)  build system -- make, gmake, bmake
5)  packaging system -- pkgsrc, Open and FreeBSD ports systems
6)  debugger -- ddb, gdb
7)  decompiler -- jad (for "fixing" Java bytecode)
8)  bug tracking/feature request system -- gnats, bugzilla
9)  team collaboration tools -- email, IRC
10) typesetting tools -- teTeX
11) Web browser -- lynx, w3m, Mozilla

The hidden secret to OpenBSD's success lies in
Theo's garage where they have beer, espresso
and a compiler. This answers many questions
about other operating systems.

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