> > You need to install openldap-server-2.3.24-bdb
> >
> > If installed from ports use env FLAVOR=bdb make install to get it, or if
> > you used packages then use the bdb version.
> >
> > --Bryan
> I installed the package. However, on the mirror I used I don4t find any
> bdb
> version.

So it is.  I thought I had checked before sending, but there isn't a bdb
version on the main ftp site either...sorry.

Also, don't forget about the DB_CONFIG file.  The version of OpenLDAP in
previous releases (at least as of 3.7) didn't complain about it.  I didn't
even know what that file was until I upgraded the system to 4.0 and got
errors about it being missing.


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