Hi all,

I try to setup the ftpd and to have chrooted users.

1. according to the ftpd man page, the users are in the password database, have
a password 
   and ksh as shell
2. their login name is not in /etc/ftpusers
3. their login name is in /etc/ftpchroot

when I start the ftpd with -US
the users can login but they are not chrooted

when I start the ftpd with -A
then only anonymous ftp works, the ftpd states:
530 Sorry, only anonymous ftp allowed.
ftp: Login failed.

when I start the ftpd with -An login access is denied:
530 User ftp_user access denied.
ftp: Login failed.

I do not have the ftp-chroot variable set in login.conf, the man page of
login.conf has 
nothing about the ftp-chroot variable, I guess I have to add it for the
ftp_user, but do 
not know how.

how do I define the ftp-chroot variable in login.conf, or am I missing something

kind regards

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